The decrees of Vatican Council II appealed to the Bible more than to tradition. 梵蒂冈第二届会议的教令更多地求助于圣经,而不是传统。
The Roman Catholic Council of Vatican II said that historical criticism as it's practiced in the twentieth century is perfectly legitimate to practice on the New Testament documents. 第二次梵帝冈大公会议说,20世纪的历史批判主义,完全有资格可以批判,新约文体。
Usually his ecclesiology is called an "Ecclesiology of Communion" and Ratzinger himself also prefers to advocate the theory in the Catholic Church after the Vatican II Council. 通常人们称他的教会学为共融的教会学,因为拉辛格自己也乐于这么叫,并且致力于在梵二会议后的天主教会内普及这种共融教会学。